This is a quick reminder that the deadline for the CfA for the 3rd Workshop of the Working Group “Philosophy and Religion in Antiquity” within the German Association for Ancient Philosophy (GANPH) is April 18. Here is the complete call:
The working group ‘Philosophy and Religion’ within the German Society for Ancient Philosophy (GANPH) stands under the direction of Dr Angela Ulacco (University of Fribourg), JProf Dr Diego De Brasi (University of Trier), and PD Dr Marko J. Fuchs (University of Bamberg). Its objective is to offer young scholars a forum to discuss about the relationship and mutual influences of philosophy, theology, and religion in antiquity and to deal with an area of research that is central for a historically and systematically appropriate understanding of numerous philosophical positions of this time.
Accordingly, the main goal of the group is to examine and historically and systematically interpret those texts that shed light on the relationship between religion, theology, and philosophy in antiquity, be it classical philosophy and traditional Greek/Roman cults, Hellenistic philosophy and Egyptian cults or Judaism, imperial and late antique philosophy and gnosis, Hermetism, oracle literature as well as Christianity.

The topic of the third meeting is Plutarch’s On Isis and Osiris. In this text, Plutarch offers a ‘philosophical’ analysis of the myth of Isis and Osiris and of Egyptian religion. In doing so, he presents different interpretations of this myth and assesses their feasibility. Thus, Plutarch rejects interpretations according to which Isis and Osiris are deified humans or ‘personifications’ of natural phenomena and opts for interpretations that are strongly influenced by Greek culture and especially by Plato’s philosophy. Scholarship on this work still faces many open questions, as for example: How do the different argumentative steps and the numerous digressions relate to each other? Which aspects of Plutarch’s Middle Platonism influence his analysis of Egyptian religion? In line with the profile and goals of the group, this meeting will strive for a cooperative working atmosphere in which the work will be commented upon. Each participant will introduce a section of the work from a historical and systematic point of view and chair the cooperative reading of selected passages.

The meeting is organized in cooperation with the ‘philological-philosophical colloquium’ of the University of Trier and with the German section of the International Plutarch Society ( Prof Dr Rainer Hirsch-Luipold (Bern) and Prof Dr Jan Opsomer (Leuven) will deliver the keynote speeches. We would also like to offer five young scholars the opportunity to participate in this conference.

According to current plans, the workshop will take place as a hybrid event in Trier and on ZOOM on June 18-19, 2021. Depending on the situation, the meeting might be held as an online-only event; the organizers will provide information in due time. Expenses may be partially refunded.

Interested young scholars can propose a ranking of up to three preferences focusing on specific sections of the work that they would like to read and comment on during the meeting. The organizers will then assign one section per participant.

Please send a ranking list with short explanation of max. 500 words and a CV to [email protected]debras[email protected] and [email protected] by April 18, 2021.