The New Classicists Team has issued the following announcement:

New Classicists will be starting our new online seminar series in September of this year. Each series will be on a particular theme and last for around 8 weeks, meeting every week or every fortnight, depending on how many presenters there are. Seminars will be free for all to attend ‒ starting date, time and frequency will be announced closer to the time.

Our first theme will be focusing on ‘Local Traditions’ in the ancient world. For the purposes of this series, local traditions is broadly defined as experiences and characteristics of everyday life that are specific to identifiable localities (whether that be municipalities or regions). We call for papers on myth and local identity, indigenous customs and representations of gender, regional religious practices, local networks, trade and manufacture… The list is endless, and we welcome any interpretation, figurative, literal, or theoretical, on local traditions in antiquity, or the reception of local traditions.

We invite papers from postgraduates and early career scholars (defined as five years after the completion of their PhD) of 40 minutes, followed by a Q&A session. We encourage papers in all ancient disciplines, including but not limited to Classics, Ancient History, Egyptology, and Near Eastern Studies.

Members of other disciplines such as archaeology, philosophy or religion are also encouraged to apply. We likewise encourage co-authored papers.

Moreover, this series may provide an opportunity to have the presenter’s paper published in our journal, pending peer review. We also encourage papers by postgraduate students and early career scholars outside the topic of the series to be submitted for our journal. Please see our website for details. <>

If you are interested in presenting in our first series on local traditions, please send in an abstract of 250 words to [email protected] for consideration by June 30, 2021. You will be notified of the outcome
of your submission by mid-July.