This is the formal call for papers for the Annual Conference of the Classical Association of Canada. The organizers of the conference welcome abstracts of a maximum of 300 words on any classical topic. The deadline for all submissions is January 15, 2022.
All abstracts should be submitted as Word files to the conference email address: [email protected]. For individual presenters, please include your name and the term “abstract CAC 2022” in the subject heading. In the body of the letter, include your full name, affiliation, contact information and paper title. Do not include your name in the abstract but please make sure that the title of the paper on the abstract and the title on the cover letter are the same.
The conference organizers also invite proposals for panels. Panels should consist of three to four papers. The panel organizer should submit all abstracts for the panel together along with a summary of the panel at the same time.
Finally, graduate students should include a letter of support from their supervisors along with the abstract.
Payment of conference and banquet fees can be made starting early in the new year (instructions will follow). Payment will be considered as registration.
We are looking forward to seeing you in London!
The Conference Organizers
Department of Classical Studies, Univ. of Western Ontario
Call for Poster Sessions
The Organizing Committee has also decided to invite the submission of abstracts for poster sessions, deadline February 7, 2022; submission information same as above. Sessions under this format consist of a group of posters concerning a common topic or theme. The posters should represent a coherent and clearly focused set of examples of research that combine to provide significant new insights into the session topic or theme. The Organizing Committee does not guarantee the acceptance of any particular session, or that all posters in an organized session will be accepted. The session organizer will submit an abstract with an overview of the poster session, including the names, affiliations, and contact information of participants and the titles of their posters. The overview statement (300 words max.) should include a statement of the theme of the proposed session; the relevance and significance of the theme; theoretical or methodological approaches; relationship of the selected posters to the theme.
CAC Women’s Network : Call for Papers
The CAC Women’s Network invites submissions for this year’s panel on:
“In Women’s Words : Retelling Ancient Narratives”
Recent years have seen a prevalence of material in various media that open up ancient narratives to female perspectives. From Wilson’s translation of the Odyssey (2018), to Haynes’ A Thousand Ships (2019), to Maguire’s painting Penelope Weaves & Waits (2017) and Smythe’s webcomic, Lore Olympus (2017-present), modern versions and translations of ancient stories can offer new perspectives and subvert male-authored and male-centred narratives from the Graeco-Roman world. These fresh and overdue retellings of ancient material are as important for developing a fuller understanding of the ancient world as they are for gaining insight into women’s experiences today.
For this panel, we invite submissions on how women’s retellings in modern media use ancient narratives to examine and expand the ancient and modern experiences of all those who identify as women.
We warmly encourage all scholars and graduate students who are interested in this topic to apply. The Women’s Network is a group of scholars and students who are interested in the advancement of scholarship on ancient gender, and support women’s academic careers in Classical Studies. Membership in the CAC is required for participation. Graduate students should send a note of support from their supervisor along with the abstract.
Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words with relevant bibliography by January 15th, 2022, to Chelsea Gardner, Women’s Network Secretary <[email protected]> and to the conference email address <[email protected]>. Please indicate in your email if you would like to have your abstract considered for the regular sessions, if it is not included in the Women’s Network panel.