The MA program in Classics at Texas Tech University has a very few funded positions open for students interested in beginning the program in the Fall of 2022.  Applications for these remaining positions will be considered on a rolling basis. For further details, see below.

Earn a professional degree, solidify your languages, develop your research skills, and gain hands-on teaching experience with the Masters of Arts in Classics at Texas Tech University. We offer one of the US’s premier Classics M.A. programs. Accomplished faculty work closely with students in small seminar courses and by supervising graduate research. Fruitful and life-long mentoring relationships are promoted by the high faculty-student ratio.

The M.A. is the highest degree that a student can earn in Classics at Texas Tech; our graduate students benefit in additional ways from this privileged position. Graduate students serve as Teaching Assistants in language and large culture courses and receive extensive pedagogical training. There are opportunities for faculty-student research collaboration and to work with the journal Intertexts, which is edited on campus. There are also opportunities to work with our branch of the Archaeological Institute of America and with area K-12 Latin programs. Funding is available for summer research and for presenting at conferences. Texas Tech has one of the best libraries in Texas for Classics, as well as a departmental Classics library. Graduate students also have dedicated individual office space in the department and full access to Interlibrary Loan. While all students study Classical Languages, Literature, and Culture, we offer individually tailored programs to suit the needs and goals of our students, with concentrations in Philology, Archaeology and Material Culture, and/or Pedagogy.

The Classics Program is committed to multiculturalism, inclusivity, equity, and intersectionality, as well as to their advancement in our discipline and society. We pride ourselves on the diversity of our M.A. students and strongly encourage applications from all students, including those from backgrounds not traditionally well-represented in Classics and Classical Archaeology.

Financial Support

Students usually receive financial support via employment as a Teaching Assistant, Graduate Part-Time Instructor, or as the Editorial Assistant to Intertexts. In addition to these assistantships, the Department plans to offer several scholarships to defray the costs of tuition and health insurance. The University also offers several competitive scholarships and funding for students from underrepresented backgrounds.

Here at Texas Tech we are proud of the success of our M.A. students. They have gone on to:

– Top Ph.D. programs in Classics and related fields Recent placements include Berkeley, Brown, Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, St Andrews, and UNC-Chapel Hill

– Careers in Latin and Greek teaching at the K-12 level, in both public and private schools throughout the nation – Careers in Publishing, Information Systems, Museums, and the Civil Service

– Other advanced professional degrees, including in Law and Business

For more information about the program and the application process, contact Dr. David H. J. Larmour, Acting Graduate Advisor: [email protected]. For further details, see the attached poster and our website: