The organisers of OPCA 2023 are delighted to announce that submissions are now open on the theme of ‘DANGER! Threat, Risk, and Uncertainty in the Ancient Near East and Beyond’. Please see the full details for submissions below:

CALL FOR PAPERS: OPCA 23-24 March 2023
ABSTRACT DEADLINE: 15th January 2023

The organisers of the 11th annual Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology warmly invite all UK, European and overseas students whose research relates to the Ancient Near East and later antiquity in the Near and Middle East to join us in Oxford for a two-day conference at Wolfson College on 23-24 March on the theme:

DANGER! Threat, Risk and Uncertainty in the Ancient Near East

The theme intends to encourage dialogue about the ways in which ancient peoples perceived and dealt with danger and threats to themselves, their community, and their environment. Papers might but need not relate to the following topics:

-Protection and exposure
-War and violence
-Risky business: Attitudes to threat and uncertainty in economics and law
-Strategies for avoiding, identifying, and responding to crisis
-Approaches to danger in the conservation and preservation of cultural heritage
-Linguistics of threat and safety
-Types of danger and threat: ‘hazard’ to health, ‘Risk’ to property,
emotional ‘insecurity’
-Shelter and safety in literary and material culture

The abstract submission deadline is 15th January 2023. Please submit your proposed paper title and a brief abstract (250 words) to [email protected]. Papers are to be 15-20 minutes followed by a plenary panel discussion.

The main aim of the conference is to provide a forum for students at the postgraduate and postdoctoral levels to present their research to a group of peers and establish connections across disciplinary and geographical borders.

We intend to provide a limited number of bursaries for travel and accommodation for participants attending from outside of the UK. More information will be provided about the number of bursaries and the application process for a bursary in due course.

For more information, and to keep up to date with OPCA, please see our website—oxford-assyri , Facebook and Twitter