The schedule for this season’s seminars of the Herodotus Helpline has been announced: a mix of traditional seminar format, ‘retrospective’ sessions, and round-tables on key themes or works of scholarship.

All sessions begin at 6pm GMT.  Everyone is welcome – just register as a member at You can also find other features there: the archive of previous seminar presentations, the ‘Ask the Helpline’ feature, and a link to the Helpline’s journal Syllogos, on the verge of its third issue.

24 January

Stefania de Vido (Venice)

Gelon and the other Greeks. On Hdt. VII, 157-162


7 February

Hilmar Klinkott (Kiel)

Title TBC


21 February

Jessica Romney (MacEwan)

Food as boundary in the Histories

[with Annual General Meeting of the Helpline preceding]


6 March

Round-table: Sparta in the Histories


20 March

Salvatore Tufano (La Sapienza)

Which Boiotians is Herodotus talking about? Herodotus and the deux Bèoties




17 April

James Romm (Bard)

Title TBC


24 April

Stephanie West (Hertford College, Oxford)

The sickly Scythian problem


8 May

Oliver Schelske (Leipzig)

Herodotus and cultural history (of his own time)


29 May

Lucilla Arioti

Munson’s Transitions in Herodotus 


5 June

Robert Fowler (Bristol)

Herodotus and the pleasure of the text


19 June

Stephanie Dennie (Western Ontario)

Spartan social memory, the myth of the return of the Herakleidai, and Hdt. 6.52


3 July

Round-table: Immerwahr’s Form and Thought


17 July

Franco Basso (Cambridge)

Title TBC


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