Coins provide a wealth of knowledge on social, economic, political, and cultural aspects of ancient societies and are among the most common objects recovered from the ancient world. Field archaeologists have often regarded them simply as handy tools for dating strata, although, a growing number of trained archaeologists who specialize in numismatics has driven the field of numismatics and archaeology forward in significant ways over the last few decades.
The Numismatics Interest Group of the AIA invites abstracts on any aspect of ancient coins and archaeology that seeks to place value on coins as archaeological objects in their own right. Papers may wish to consider (but are not limited to): the role of databases in post-excavation analysis, coins as cultural heritage, what coins recorded in their special contexts tell us (e.g., coins in ritual contexts, how coin finds speak to the movement of populations, informs about local and regional economies , audience targeting), and so on.
Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words to Benjamin Hellings ([email protected]) by Feb 28, 2024, in order to allow time for anonymous peer review. Papers will be 15 or 20 minutes (please specify preferred time) and all presenters must be AIA members in good standing at the time of the meeting. Please distribute this call for papers to anyone you think may be interested in submitting a proposal.