ASOR invites members to submit paper abstracts and workshop presentation proposals for the 2024 Annual Meeting.

ASOR’s 2024 Annual Meeting will take place November 20–23 at the Hilton Boston Park Plaza. The November meeting will be hybrid with both in-person and virtual participation. All sessions (and workshops, when feasible) will be able to include both in-person presentations in Boston and virtual presentations online via Zoom.

Abstract submission is open from February 15 to March 15. Please see the following link for more information: <>.

Cultural Heritage in Crisis: People Oriented (Workshop)

Session Chairs:
Tashia Dare <[email protected]>, Independent Scholar;
Jenna de Vries Morton <[email protected]>, Umm
al-Jimal Archaeological Project

This multi-year workshop centers on the people behind cultural heritage before, during, and after conflict: heritage professionals and local communities. The workshop is concerned with mitigating risk, building resiliency, and forging and maintaining healthy and meaningful relationships.

The second year (2024) is centered on cultural heritage and human rights. It focuses on the local community. When everyday survival and livelihoods may be at risk due to conflict how do we meet the needs of local communities and the preservation of cultural heritage? What impacts does conflict have on local communities being able to access, participate, and contribute to their cultural heritage (including archaeological sites and museums)? What role do archaeologists and other related professionals have in addressing these issues and other similar concerns? How do we build resilient communities?

The third year (2025) is dedicated to cultural heritage and peacebuilding. What does cultural heritage as a peacebuilding tool look like on the ground? What issues might there be to this? What are the benefits? What can we learn from successes and failures of efforts already taken in this area? Can cultural heritage be a proactive tool to preventing conflict? If so, what does this entail?

For any questions, please contact:
Tashia Dare at [email protected] and/or
Jenna Morton at [email protected]