Dominique Valbelle, Les ouvriers de la tombe. Deir el-Médineh à l’époque ramesside, Le Caire, 1985. XVIII, 414 pp., plans, tables, 10 pls. plus 4 pp. “Addenda et corrigenda” – pdf-file (82 MB):

Digitized book of the Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO)

Published in 1985, this synthesis on one of the major sites of Pharaonic Egypt, a concession of the Ifao since 1922, has been conceived to complete the first two volumes of Jaroslav Černy – A Community of workmen at Thebes in the Ramesside Period and The Valley of the Kings. Quickly out of print, this volume remains today one of the essential studies written on the administrative structure, the archives and the life of the institution that ruled the work on the royal burials from the reign of Thutmose I to that of Siamon (1500-978 BC). This is why the Ifao decided to republish it. Due to the richness of the documentation uncovered at the site of Deir el-Medina, numerous studies have been and are still being carried out on the different categories of sources distributed in museums throughout the world. Consequently an addendum provides useful bibliographical references to those works.