This panel, which will take place in Coimbra this coming July in the framework of the 16th Celtic Conference in Classics, will gather researchers working on water in the ancient city, from the archaic to the late antique period (8th c. BC – 8th c. AD), with the objective to put together scholars working with or developing new methodological, analytic and interpretive perspectives on urban water.
For this panel, we want to explore these four lines, although we will welcome other proposals that adhere to the topic:
1. Approaches from hydraulics and engineering, that look at new ways to
calculate flows and volumes, or that offer new insights into the
technical side of building water-related structures;
2. Approaches from geospatial studies, ranging from computerised
research (GIS) to other forms of remote surveying, including aerial
photography, LiDAR, and satellite images;
3. Approaches from digitalised record, 3D, digital models, etc.
4. Approaches from geochemical sciences that focus on archaeometric and
archaeological analyses of sinter deposits, mortars and other material
remains that can give indication of use, repairs, maintenance, or
5. New theoretical approaches that reassess the historical, epigraphic
and archaeological records to propose new interpretations at local,
site-specific and general, systemic levels.
Provisional title and an abstract of no more than 300
words are to be sent by February 15th, 2025 to [email protected] or [email protected]
Papers’ acceptance will be communicated shortly thereafter.