In the University of Thessaloniki, like in all universities of the country,the field of archaeology is divided into three major sectors, i.e. Prehistoric, Classic and Byzantine archaeology. This division is related to the course of evolution of the science of archaeology in Greece, although its value is now questionable, given the important relevant theoretical issues that are discussed internationally. The main obstacle in dividing the field of archaeology into minor sectors with autonomous characteristics is the existence of inflexible borders which block the exchanging of ideas, methods and techniques. A situation of the past cannot be entirely or correctly perceived if it lacks a sound theoretical basis that unifies the existing evidence and gives it the right scientific proportions. Museology, Archaeometry, technical analysis of ceramics, excavation techniques, the use οf computers as well as Statistics form a part of the curriculum of the Department of Archaeology of the Thessaloniki University and match the three basic theoretical divisions of archaeology mentioned above. However, even this advanced approach does not solve the problem of the lack of unity between theory and practice. The Greek Archaeological Service, essentially an administrative institution is unable to function as a scientific pioneer, therefore the University of Thessaloniki has to speed up its pace by introducing new courses and readjusting the existing ones. If this does not happen, the relation between the Archaeological Service and the University of Thessaloniki will become a vicious cycle in which these two parts will keep on functioning indifferently in a sort of self-complacent vacuum: an ill-omened prospect for the future of both, in a country which is changing rapidly.
The Archaeological Service and the University of Thessaloniki
09 Aug 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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