The National Library of Greece has become very old. Only its drastic reformation, which will bring it out of its lethal situation, can revive it and bring back its original objective. Such an enterprise has many economic and social advantages. A relevant study, proposed by the author, has been worked out by a team of experts already since the end of 1980. The National Library was built after the plans of the architect Theophilos Hansen in the end of the 19th century, in order to serve the needs of the limited reading public of that time. The work was supervised by the architect Ernest Ziller. Since then, although an entire century has passed, the building has nether been enlarged or even restored. This is the reason why the National Library today cannot fulfill its aim and has become an almost dead organism. For the proper treatment of this situation aid since its function must be continued in the present monumental edifice -for historic and national reasons and in order the library to continue to offer its services to its large reading public- a feasibility study has been made, which provides: The transfer of the Manuscripts Department to a new, modern building in the outskirts of Athens. The creation of a Children’s Library ran independent building in which the Music Department will also be housed. The forwarding of works for the realization of the reformation study of the National Library. The isomeric development of all branches of Science. The creation of a bibliographic Data Bank.The microfilming of the library’s precious and sensitive material. The staffing of the institution with a specialized personnel, which will create the necessary functtfl background and will properly run the library’s increased services.
For a number of reasons the above study has not bed realized as yet, although its direct financing is possUB Thus, the National Library almost in the dawn of 2001 AD remains in the same hopeless, sad situation ton has been since the beginning of our century.