The British School at Athens and the British School at Rome jointly seek to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to their Adriatic Connections research programme. Adriatic Connections is funded by the British Academy and run by the two Schools in collaboration. The Fellowship, tenable for 18 months from 1 October 2013, is based at the BSA, but includes a three-month residency at the BSR. The Fellow will also be affiliated to a British University. Adriatic Connections supports original research into the art and archaeology of the Adriatic (broadly conceived) from the seventh century AD until the Fall of Constantinople. The Fellow will develop an original research project with a well-defined publication schedule, and support the organization of an international conference (co-editing the proceedings).
Applicants are required to propose a research project within the overall scope of Adriatic Connections.
There are no restrictions upon subject or chronological focus, but preference will be given to projects which complement and extend the range of research currently conducted by the BSA and BSR, and serve to link these institutions.
Informal enquiries about the post may be addressed to Professor Catherine Morgan ([email protected]) or Professor Christopher Smith ([email protected]).
Further information about the institutes, their research and key staff can be found at:;
Applicants should submit by e-mail to the School Administrat or of the British School at Athens, Mrs Tania Gerousi ([email protected]):
-a letter of application (with a statement of how the proposed research fits with and/or extends the established work of the BSA and BSR);
-CV (including the names of two referees);
-a research proposal (1,500 words maximum) to include a publication schedule.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday 24th July 2013.
Candidates must ensure that their referees send by e-mail letters of reference (preferably as pdf attachments with original signature) to [email protected] by this deadline. Shortlisted candidates may be invited to submit published or unpublished work. Interviews will be held in late August 2013(economy-class travel will be supported; air travel may only be fully compensated within Europe – skype interviews may therefore be requested). The Fellow will take up their appointment by October 1st 2013.
The stipend will be £25,000 per annum. The Fellow will normally be required to reside in the BSA and BSR, where accommodation will be provided. The Fellow must submit an annual report by the end of March 2014 to the Directors of the BSA and BSR for consideration by their respective Councils.
The appointment will be probationary for the first sixth months, confirmation in post to be conditional upon approval of the first annual report. The Fellow will acknowledge the BSA, BSR and Adriatic Connections in all publications resulting from the Fellowship.