The University of Reading’s Department of Classics offers a full-time PhD studentship for an excellently qualified candidate to pursue a PhD in any field of Greek studies (archaeology, history, literature, language, philosophy, etc.). Preference may be given to a candidate who wishes to work on a topic relevant to the collections of the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology, should a suitable candidate apply. Further information on the Ure Museum may be found on the Museum webpage.

The studentship covers the tuition fees for a three-year full-time PhD up to the rate for Home/EU students (£3,996). The successful candidate will work in the Ure Museum office for an average of two days per week during term-time (30 weeks); the duties are light and students will often have time to pursue their own work on these days. Some paid sessional teaching will also potentially be available in the department from year two of the programme.

How to apply: Candidates must complete both an application form for admission to a Postgraduate Degree at the University of Reading and a separate application form for the studentship.

Details of how to submit an application for admission can be found at

The application form for the studentship can be found at:

Informal enquiries about this studentship may be made to Professor Amy Smith, Curator of the Ure Museum ([email protected]), or Professor Timothy Duff, Director of Postgraduate Studies ([email protected]).