Antiquity is advertising for an editorial assistant. 

The post will be based in Durham. Job offering closes on 13th July 2015.


Background to the Role

Antiquity is an international peer-reviewed journal of archaeological research, graded ‘A’ in the recent European Science Foundation Reference Index for Humanities. The journal is owned by the Antiquity Trust, a registered charity and is produced by Antiquity Publications Ltd (“the sponsoring body”). The editorial office is based in the Department of Archaeology at Durham University. Antiquity is an entirely independent journal. The editorial office is solely responsible for the academic standards, production, development and management of the journal. There is a general consensus that Antiquity has the task of setting the academic standards for archaeology world wide and facilitating communication between all its practitioners. Its principal (but not its only) customers are the academics in the world’s universities. The Antiquity office edits and publishes 1500 printed pages and corresponding digital output per year, serving some 25,000 users per month.

Purpose of the Role

To edit and prepare for publication papers that have been accepted by Antiquity. Recurrent issues include length, language (for many of our authors their first language is not English) and clarity of presentation. The key stages of the process are (a) initial editing for length, clarity and content; (b) copy-editing to ensure consistency and adherence to Antiquity house style; and (c) proof checking. The successful applicant will be responsible to the Editorial Manager of Antiquity.

The post will be based in the Antiquity office in the Department of Archaeology (Dawson Building, Science Site, South Road, Durham).