NEMO announced the second round of capacity building activities for its members and museum professionals.
After a first round of very successful Training Courses, Learning Exchanges and Webinars with participants from more than 15 countries many more opportunities will follow in the upcoming months.
Find more information about application procedure, programme and grants below:
Learning Exchanges
Exchange hosted by the Austrian Museums Association
5 October – 7 October 2015 in Vienna, Austria
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Exchange hosted by the Danish Museum Association
21 January – 23 January 2015 in Copenhagen, Denmark
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International Training Courses
Digital Storytelling: a practical training to understand the potential of the method in a museum context
16 November – 18 November 2015 in Bucharest, Romania
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Building digital strategy & developing the tools you need!
27 November 2015 in Riga, Latvia
NEMO Training Course offered by NEMO partner WAM Learning, Carolyn Royston
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For Training Courses and Learning Exchanges: Application Deadlines TBA
Webstreaming of “Sharing is Caring: Right to Remix” Conference
2 October 2015, 09:30 – 17:00, Copenhagen, Denmark, streaming link TBA
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