Two Teaching Fellowships at the University of Edinburgh, School of History, Classics and Archaeology
1) Teaching Fellowship in Late Roman History
The Classics Subject Area seeks to appoint a fixed-term Teaching Fellow in Late Roman History from 1 September 2016, for a period of 12 months. Applications are invited from scholars with research interests and teaching experience in later Roman and late antique history.
The appointment is a full time, fixed-term post.
Salary scale: £31,656 – £37,768 per annum
Closing date: 5pm (GMT) on Friday 29th July 2016.
For the Further Particulars, please consult
2) Teaching Fellowship in Byzantine Archaeology
The Archaeology Subject Area seeks to appoint a fixed-term Teaching Fellow in Byzantine Archaeology (0.9 FTE) from 1 September 2016, for a period of 10 months. Applications are invited from scholars with research interests and teaching experience in Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology.
The appointment is part-time, 31.5 hpw, and is fixed-term for 10 months from 1 September 2016.
Salary: £31,656 – £37,768 per annum (pro-rata)
Closing date: 5pm (GMT) on Monday 1 August 2016
For the Further Particulars, please consult