Call for Papers for Panel 188 “Cult Practices in the Ancient Mediterranean: Mobility, Changes, and Persistence” of the 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome, Italy, 28 – 31 August 2024. Organisers: Erica Angliker (British School at Athens), Yulia Ustinova (Ben Gurion University of the Negev).

Here is the abstract for the panel:

In ancient Greece, some cults were commonly transferred from one locale to another with the appropriate adaptations to fit into the new context. Such transfers occurred from the Dark Age, when cults were moved from Balkan Greece to Asia Minor, during the Archaic period, when they were transplanted from metropoleis to apoikiai, and throughout Greek history, among communities engaged in synoecism. Even the cults of divinities worshipped under local epithets could undergo this process. When scholars examine these transferred cults, they tend to focus on the similarities between the new and the old sets of practices more than the changes that inevitably occurred. The modalities of cult transformations which occurred in different historical and cultural situations, in particular, the differences between changes in rituals and beliefs, resulting from population movements during the Dark Age, Greek colonization, and other historical periods, are to be put into focus. The aim of the present panel is to help fill this gap in the research by considering the impact of mobility on the transformation of cult practices in the Greek world from the Geometric to the Classical period, focusing on archaeological evidence.

The participants will address the following questions:
1)    What types of changes occur when cults are transferred?
2)    What kind of practices persisted in the locale to which a cult was transferred?
3) What material and epigraphical evidence are there for these changes?
4) What factors inspired and affected these changes?
5) How were cults adapted to the new territories that Greeks occupied in the Mediterranean?
6)  How did the cults of divinities and heroes interact with the local pantheons when they were transferred to colonial communities?
7) Which elements of the original cults were retained, and what new elements did the local cultural and physical environment contribute?

If you are interested in giving a paper at the session (20  minutes), please submit an abstract of 150–200 words via the EAA 2024 website:
The deadline for submitting or modifying an abstract is 8 February 2024, 23:59 CET.

Once the abstract is approved by us and by the EAA , all the speakers on our panel will need to get an EAA membership and also to register for the conference.

Unfortunately we will not be able to cover any costs related to registration, membership or travel to Rome.
Important Deadlines:
8 February 2024: Deadline for Abstract Submission
25 March 2024: Announcement of contributions acceptance
25 April 2024: Deadline for membership and Annual Meeting registration fee payment for presents (first authors) of papers.

General Information about the conference:

For further questions, do not hesitate to contact Erica Angliker erica.anglker@gmailcom  or Yulia Ustinova: [email protected]