Ceramics in plain sight: The bacini of the churches of Crete

Ceramics in plain sight: The bacini of the churches of Crete

The volume presents the immured glazed vessels (the bacini) located on the façades of numerous churches in the regional unit of Chania.
Medieval Ethiopian Kingship, Craft, and Diplomacy with Latin Europe

Medieval Ethiopian Kingship, Craft, and Diplomacy with Latin Europe

This book challenges conventional narratives of African-European encounters on the eve of the so-called ‘Age of Exploration'.
The Horse in New Kingdom Egypt

The Horse in New Kingdom Egypt

This publication sheds light, for the first time, on the real origins of the Egyptian horse and tells the story of its journey to the valley of the Nile.
Golden Mummies of Egypt

Golden Mummies of Egypt

The book showcases for the first time an extraordinary group of Egyptian mummies examining how and why they came to Manchester Museum.
Ceramic Perspectives on Ancient Egyptian Society

Ceramic Perspectives on Ancient Egyptian Society

The fifth volume of Ancient Egypt in Context series demonstrates how ceramics can forward the study of Egyptian society writ large.
(Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece

(Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece

A book on the emergence of the Mycenaeans. Open access option available.
Egypt and the Desert

Egypt and the Desert

The book focuses on the interdependent relationship between the people of the Nile Valley and the deserts surrounding it.
Byzantium, Venice and the Medieval Adriatic

Byzantium, Venice and the Medieval Adriatic

This book offers the first synthesis of the history of the Adriatic between the seventh and the mid-fifteenth century.
Amarna: A Guide To The Ancient City Of Akhetaten

Amarna: A Guide To The Ancient City Of Akhetaten

An illustrated cultural guide to the archaeological site of Amarna, the best-preserved pharaonic city in Egypt
Glory by Nikolaos Gyzis

Glory by Nikolaos Gyzis

The art historian Maria Katsanaki explores the context and process of the creation of Nikolaos Gyzis' emblematic work.
Classical Cyprus. Proceedings of the Conference

Classical Cyprus. Proceedings of the Conference

The Proceedings of an international conference, which took place at the University of Graz on 21–23 September 2017 and focused on the archaeology of Cyprus during the Classical period.
The Late Byzantine Palace of Mistras and its Restoration

The Late Byzantine Palace of Mistras and its Restoration

Τhe book presents the fascinating history of the Byzantine Palace of Mistras, originally erected in the 13th century.
The Enigma of the Hyksos Volume I

The Enigma of the Hyksos Volume I

Collected papers of two workshops organised by the ERC Advanced Grant “The Enigma of the Hyksos”.
Deserted Villages: Perspectives from the Eastern Mediterranean

Deserted Villages: Perspectives from the Eastern Mediterranean

The book contains studies on abandoned settlements, also offering nuanced analysis of these sites and the processes that led to their abandonment.
Alexandria. The Most Illustrious, the Most Beautiful, the Most Magnificent

Alexandria. The Most Illustrious, the Most Beautiful, the Most Magnificent

This book is an academic monograph about Alexandria in Egypt – its history, archaeology, and monuments.
A Handbook of Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Near East

A Handbook of Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Near East

This handbook provides the most complete information available on deities from the cultures and religions of the ancient Near East.
The Foreign Relations of the “Hyksos”

The Foreign Relations of the “Hyksos”

The now classic 2000 study with a 2020 preface by Tine Bagh, with links tp additional, updated material.
Lost Worlds of Ancient and Modern Greece

Lost Worlds of Ancient and Modern Greece

The volume based on Gilbert Bagnani's personal letters and news’ reports covers the momentous years from 1921-1924.
The Changing Landscapes of Rome’s Northern Hinterland

The Changing Landscapes of Rome’s Northern Hinterland

a new regional history of the middle Tiber valley as a lens through which to view the emergence and transformation of the city of Rome from 1000 BC to AD 1000.
Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Palaces. Vol. II

Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Palaces. Vol. II

Besides introducing other palaces in Egypt and Nubia, this volume is dedicated to Near Eastern palaces which are presented and studied by prominent experts in this field.
Seeing Perfection: Ancient Egyptian Images beyond Representation

Seeing Perfection: Ancient Egyptian Images beyond Representation

A new interdisciplinary approach to ancient Egyptian images informed by archaeology, anthropology, and art history.
A History of World Egyptology

A History of World Egyptology

A History of World Egyptology is a ground-breaking reference work that traces the study of ancient Egypt.
Cultural heritage in the realm of the commons

Cultural heritage in the realm of the commons

This volume examines whether we can place cultural heritage at the other end of the spectrum, as a common good and potentially as a commons.
The Ancient Throne: The Mediterranean, Near East, and Beyond

The Ancient Throne: The Mediterranean, Near East, and Beyond

The volume features studies focusing on specific thrones known from historical texts, artistic depictions, or excavations, etc.
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