Elena Pischikova, Julia Budka, Kenneth Griffin (eds.), Thebes in the First Millennium BC: Art and Archaeology of the Kushite Period and Beyond (GHP Egyptology, 27), paperback, A4, 416 pages, many b/w images, ISBN 978-1906137595.
This volume is a collection of articles, most of which are based on the talks given at the conference of the same name organised by the team of the South Asasif Conservation Project (SACP), in collaboration with the Ministry of Antiquities (MoA) and the Egypt Exploration Society (EES), that took place in Luxor in 2016.
Table of Contents
Part A: South Asasif
Elena Pischikova – Recreating Kushite Tombs: Ten Years of
the South Asasif Conservation Project
Elena Pischikova – Recording the Art of Karakhamun
Abdelrazk Mohamed Ali – Conservation and Reconstruction of
the Second Pillared Hall of the Tomb of Karakhamun (TT 223)
Kenneth Griffin – A Preliminary Report on the Hours of the
Night in the Tomb of Karakhamun (TT 223)
Miguel Á. Molinero Polo & Andrea Rodríguez Valls –
Palaeographical Peculiarities and Scribal Handwriting in
the Burial Chamber of Karakhamun (TT 223)
Erhart Graefe – Preliminary Report on the Usurpation of
the Tomb of Karabasken (TT 391) by the High Steward of the
God’s Adoratrix, Padibastet
John Billman – A Brief Note on a Rare Find of Ivory from
the Tomb of Karabasken (TT 391)
Part B: North Asasif
Silvia Einaudi – Combination of Tradition and Innovation in
the Decorative Programme of the Tomb of Padiamenope (TT 33)
Claude Traunecker – Abydenian Pilgrimage, Immortal stars
and Theban Liturgies in the Tomb of Padiamenope (TT 33)
Louise Gestermann & Farouk Gomaà – Remarks on the Decoration
and Conception of the Theban Tomb of Montuemhat (TT 34)
Isabelle Régen – The Book of Nut in the Late Period Tombs of
the Asasif Necropolis: With a Focus on the Decorative Layout
in the Tombs of Padiamenope (TT 33) and Montuemhat (TT 34)
Mareike Wagner – New Research in the Tomb of Ibi (TT 36)
Part C: West Bank
Benoît Lurson, with a contribution by Franck Mourot – From
the Foundations to the Excavation: A Stratigraphy-based
History of the Temple of Tuya
Marta Kaczanowicz – The Third Intermediate Period and Late
Period Burials to the West of the South Asasif Necropolis:
Polish Excavations in the Tombs MMA 1151 and 1152
Gábor Schreiber – The Reuse of New Kingdom Tombs during the
Kushite/Saite Period: The Case of Theban Tomb -400-
Part D: Luxor and Karnak
Mostafa Waziry, Ahmed Araby, Abdelrazk Mohamed Ali – Luxor
Temple: The Conservation and Restoration of the Standing
Colossus of Ramesses II in Front of the First Pylon of
Luxor Temple
Jérémy Hourdin – The Kushite Kiosks of Karnak and Luxor:
A Cross-over Study
Laurent Coulon, Aleksandra Hallmann, Frédéric Payraudeau –
The Osirian Chapels at Karnak: An Historical and Art
Historical Overview Based on Recent Fieldwork and Studies
Essam Nagy – The Chapel of Osiris-Ptah Neb-ankh: A Report
on the Fourth Season of Work
Part E: Art
Eltayeb Abbas – Iconography and Rituals in the Decorations
of Bab el-Gusus Coffins: A Work in Progress
Dietrich Wildung – Afrikanisches in der ägyptischen Kunst?
Part F: Ceramics
Stéphanie Boulet – Ceramic Industry Developments in the
Theban Area during the Twenty-fifth Dynasty: Between Traditions
and Innovations
Julia Budka – Kushite Pottery in Egypt: An Update from Thebes
and Abydos
Part G: Religion and Cults
Cynthia May Sheikholeslami – Montu Priests in Third Intermediate
Period Thebes
Angelika Lohwasser, Meike Becker, Anke Ilona Blöbaum –
Relationship between Religion and Politics in First Millennium BC
Thebes: A Case Study on the Original Location of the Triumphal
Stela of Piankhy