Current Research in Egyptology 2022 is to take place at the Université Montpellier III – Paul Valéry (France) and the organizing committee is extending its first Call for Papers. 

The aim of this congress is to present current research and perspectives covering all spheres of interest in present-day Egyptology:

– History and chronology from prehistory to the Arab conquest
– Archaeology
– Monuments & artefacts (analysis, interpretation, iconography,
– Museum collections
– Language and literature
– Art history
– Mythology and religion
– Study of society
– Anthropology, forensic and radiological research
– Archæobotany, palæozoology and palæoecology
– History of Egyptology
– Aegyptiaca and Egyptomania

Since 2022 will be the bicentennial of Champollion’s /Lettre àM. Dacier/ as well as the centennial of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb,we especially welcome presentations dedicated to the history of Egyptology and to perspectives on the development of the discipline.

The language of the conference is English.

We welcome proposals for 20-minute papers as well as for posters.
Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and must be submitted by October 1st 2021 exclusively via the platform

You will find all information about the call for papers and the CRE here

Current Research in Egyptology 2022: Important dates

Deadline for abstract submission: October 1st 2021

Notification of acceptance: December 1st 2021

Early bird registration: December 1st 2021 – June 30th 2022

Late bird registration: July 1st – September 20th 2022

Announcements concerning registration fees will be forthcoming.

For further details, you may contact the organizers at
[email protected].

About the organizers

The Organizing Committee

Egypte Nilotique et Méditerranéenne

UMR 5140 Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes

Université Paul-Valéry – Montpellier III

For this year’s CRE, organized by the University of the Aegean, Greece , see here