AGENDA July 2024

Works at the ancient theatre of Sicyon

Works at the ancient theatre of Sicyon

A project of excavations and restoration works has been approved by the Central Archaeological Council.
Israel accused of stealing Arabic and Islamic cultural heritage

Israel accused of stealing Arabic and Islamic cultural heritage

Al-Aqsa Foundation and Cultural Heritage Organisation accused Israel with stealing Arabic and Islamic cultural heritage in Jerusalem.
British Prime Minister David Cameron said the Koh-i-Noor taken from colonial India will not be returned

British Prime Minister David Cameron said the Koh-i-Noor taken from colonial India will not be returned

"I certainly don't believe in ‘returnism’. The right answer is for the British Museum and other cultural institutions to do exactly what they do, which is to link up with other institutions around the world to make sure that the things which we have and look after so well are properly shared with people around the world".
Security measures for the National Archaeological Museum

Security measures for the National Archaeological Museum

Possible solutions to the problems related to the ugly and unpleasant picture of the National Archaeological Museum’s surrounding area have been discussed during a meeting at the Culture Ministry.
Delphi Museum is the honoured museum of 2013

Delphi Museum is the honoured museum of 2013

The Hellenic Committee of the International Council of Museums has chosen the Archaeological Museum of Delphi as the honoured museum for the year 2013, in appreciation of its diachronic contribution to the preservation and presentation of ancient Greek cultural heritage.
D.L. Schwartz, Paideia and Cult

D.L. Schwartz, Paideia and Cult

"Paideia and Cult" explores the role of Christian education and worship in the complex process of conversion and Christianization.
Exhibition of cartoons and an Open Discussion for Museums

Exhibition of cartoons and an Open Discussion for Museums

Residents and visitors of Lesvos will have the opportunity to view an exhibition of cartoons and follow an open discussion about the world of museums.
Aris Konstantinidis: The architect of the Ioannina Museum

Aris Konstantinidis: The architect of the Ioannina Museum

Exhibition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the liberation of Ioannina and Epirus and the 100 years since Aris Konstantinidis’ birth.
“Odyssey” Mosaics Followup

“Odyssey” Mosaics Followup

The mosaics reported to have been recently stolen from Syria seem to have been stolen last year, namely in March 2012
The Smyrna Agora Ancient Site Safety Project

The Smyrna Agora Ancient Site Safety Project

A three-meter high and 810-meter long wall will be raised around the Smyrna Agora.
On the Fascination of Objects

On the Fascination of Objects

A conference in honour of the Emeritus Professor Brian B. Shefton at the Great North Museum, Hancock, who founded a rich Collection of ancient Greek artefacts.
Eighteen “Odyssey” mosaics stolen in Syria

Eighteen “Odyssey” mosaics stolen in Syria

At least 18 ancient mosaics depicting scenes from Homer's "Odyssey" have been stolen in northern Syria, the culture minister was quoted as saying on Sunday.
Hector William Catling (1924-2013)

Hector William Catling (1924-2013)

It is with deep sadness that the British School at Athens reports the death of its Vice-President and former Director, Hector Catling, on Friday 15th February, 2013.
Scientific Research Officer

Scientific Research Officer

The Fitch Laboratory of the British School at Athens seeks a Scientific Research Officer to take charge of its chemical analysis facility.
Greek and Roman Pottery Course at Knossos

Greek and Roman Pottery Course at Knossos

Applications should be sent by 21st February 2013.
The Ancient Greek Hero

The Ancient Greek Hero

Through this unique Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) platform, Harvard University is offering a noncredit humanities course, the legendary “The Ancient Greek Hero”.
UNESCO engages in saving Timbuktu’s heritage

UNESCO engages in saving Timbuktu’s heritage

UNESCO will help to reconstruct the mausoleums and save the manuscripts of Timbuktu, which were destroyed by armed Islamists, and plans to send a team of experts to evaluate the situation in the city of northern Mali.
Heritage in Motion Award

Heritage in Motion Award

Producers, directors or other representatives of multimedia productions which relate to Europe’s cultural and natural heritage are invited to apply to Heritage in Motion office for the HIM Award.
Nominations announced for the European Museum of the Year Award 2013

Nominations announced for the European Museum of the Year Award 2013

The European Museum Forum announced the list of museums nominated for the European Museum of the Year Award.
Indiennes sublimes

Indiennes sublimes

"Indiennes sublimes" presents the story of these exotic "treasures", the indiennes, which came from the East.
5,000-year old temple in Peru

5,000-year old temple in Peru

Archaeologists in Peru claim they have discovered a 5,000-year old temple at the ancient site of El Paraiso, 40 km near the capital, Lima.
E. Livierátos / C. Paliadeli, European Cartography and Politics: The Case of Macedonia

E. Livierátos / C. Paliadeli, European Cartography and Politics: The Case of Macedonia

A series of historical maps depicting the history of the land of Macedonia from antiquity up until the early 19th century.
Breaking the heart of Thessaloniki through time?

Breaking the heart of Thessaloniki through time?

Online petition in order to save Thessaloniki's antiquities.
New study reveals violence among Stone Age women

New study reveals violence among Stone Age women

A new study finds that Stone Age farmers lived through routine violence, and women weren't spared from it! Contrary to findings from mass gravesites of the period, women were equally likely to be victims of deadly blows
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